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A Review & Analysis Yellow Brick Road

A Movie That Truly Gets Under Your Skin

Yellow Brick Road is not your typical horror movie. It doesn't have the mainstream thumps, bumps and visual triggers that are commonly found in horror movies. Instead, from the get go, the thick residue of the back story and the increasing psychological discomfort you feel as you travel with the characters further into the north slowly drowns you in a way you don't expect until the movie is over.

What is interesting is that as each character drowns into whatever sinister forces that are at play on the yellow brick road, I found myself clinging onto Teddy, as though my hope lay in him the way his hope was in the yellow brick road. That he'll discover something because of his perseverance. But this is part of the psychological trap this movie plays on you. For as a result of seeking something more, the way Teddy did, the horror that you experience upon finally realizing that there are no answers to be found through the yellow brick road, there is nothing to hope for, no light, no happy ending, no wizard, no new world, is a horror that you just can't shake off.

You definitely do not want to see this movie before heading out on a camping trip.
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Awesome analysis

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