Street Fighter II: V (1995)Synopsis:
Based off of the video game, on an island off the coast of Japan, Ryu, a martial artist, was given an invitation and some American money from his friend Ken Masters, telling him to come to the United States. Ryu arrives in San Francisco and Ken picks him up from the airport. Only to find out that Ken is rich and a defined martial artist himself. One night both Ryu and Ken were out scouting San Francisco for bars. Then, Ken flirts with somebody's girlfriend and gets into a fight. Ken has defeated the person. Only to find out that it was a partner of Air force pilot Guile. Ryu fights him, but was defeated easily. Ken then finds Guile and was too defeated. Ken then realizes that guile was a fighter of thew likes that Ryu and Ken has not seen before, Guile was a Street Fighter. So, both Ryu and Ken decided to set out to the world to learn the ways of the street fighter. Then, they get tangled up into a conspiracy involving a criminal organization.
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