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Movies released in the Year 1901

Lord Bluebeard is looking for a woman to become his eighth wife, as his first seven wives have all passed away. Many noble families bring their daughters to meet him, but none of the young women wa...
A chemist in his laboratory places upon a table his own head, alive; then fixing upon his head a rubber tube with a pair of bellows, he begins to blow with all his might. Immediately the head incre...

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A Jewish woman from Detroit who became a boxing manager, guiding several major careers. This film focuses on her rela...
While other kids buy into countless hours of studying just so they can get a mark in some teacher's report book, Hand...
Bo Laramie is a movie star who has finally achieved success. But success comes at a price, in the form of four persis...
A drug deal goes wrong causing a foursome, led by a lunatic killer, to go on the run. A couple in a recreational vehi...